
Dr. J. van 't Spijker

Dr. J. van 't Spijker

Associate professor of in Missiology & Evangelism, Diaconate and Congregational Development

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Short cv

Jan van 't Spijker was born on January 31, 1960 in Drogeham. He studied at the TUA where he passed the candidate exam in 1985. He became a pastor in the Christian Reformed Churches and successively served the congregations of New Amsterdam (1985-1991), Zwijndrecht (1991-1996) and Hoogeveen (2005-2011). From 1997 to June 2005, he served as a missionary. He worked as a training minister in an inter-denominational project set up in the Zambezia province of Mozambique, together with Rádio Trans Mundial. In January 1998 he completed his doctoral exam in writing a thesis on the cutting edge of church history and missiology about the tract of Gisbertus Voetius De Prima Plantatio et Collectio Ecclesiae, aut Ecclesiarum: the first reformed missionary theology.

After returning from missionary service, he was appointed in 2008 as a part-time lecturer of missiology and evangelism at the TUA. As of September 1, 2011, he is employed full time at the TUA. In addition to  missionary subjects, he also teaches diaconate and congregational development. In 2021 he obtained his PhD with a thesis entitled 'To Participate in God's Mission: Looking for an ecclesial structure to be a witnessing church today'. As of March 1, 2024, he has been appointed associate professor of Missiology.


List of publications


  • Member of the editorial board of Kerkblad voor het Noorden
  • Consultant for the CGK Evangelism Deputies
  • Advisor to the Deputies on Foreign Missions of the CGK
  • Representative of the Deputaten Foreign Mission of the CGK to the Nederlandse Zendingsraad (NZR)
  • Representative of TUA in the Promise Foundation (Foundation for the Promoting of Reformed Missiology and Ecumenics), with the function of treasurer
  • President TWR Netherlands & Belgium