About TUA


Board of professors

The Board of Professors includes those within the university who are responsible for the discipline.

Prof. Dr. H. van den Belt
Professor of Systematic Theology
Prof. Dr. A.A. Clement
Professor of Theology and Music
Dr. C.C. den Hertog
Associate professor of Systematical Theology / Public Theology / Ethics
Prof. Dr. M.J. Kater
Professor of Practical Theology, Rector
Prof. Dr. A. de Muynck
Professor of Christian Education
Dr. J. van den Os
Associate professor of New Testament
Prof. Dr. H.J. Selderhuis
Professor of Church History and Church Law
Dr. J. van 't Spijker
Associate professor of Missiology and Evangelism / Student pastor
Prof. Dr. A. Versluis
Professor of Old Testament

Endowed professors

Prof. Dr. M.A. van Willigen
Endowed professor of Early Christian Exegesis, Endowed Chair (ECE) (from Stichting Bijbeluitleg Vroege Kerk)


Prof. Mr. Dr. W.A. Zondag
Endowed professor of Church, Law, and Society (from RMU)


Emeriti / former professors

Click here for an overview of the Emeriti / former professors