
Prof. Dr. A. Versluis

Prof. Dr. A. Versluis

Professor of Old Testament
Dean LRT
Senior researcher in the Research Programme BEST 
(Biblical Exegesis and Theology)

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Short cv

Arie Versluis (b. 1979) studied theology in Apeldoorn and Semitic languages (Hebrew-Aramaic/Akkadian) in Leiden. In 2012 he received his doctorate from the Theological University of Apeldoorn (TUA) on a study of God's command to exterminate the Canaanites (Deut. 7). From 2006 to 2022, he was a pastor in the Christian Reformed Churches. As an associate researcher, he was affiliated with the Biblical Exegesis and Systematic Theology (BEST) research group. Since November 2022, he was associate professor of Old Testament at TUA. As of March 1, 2024, he was appointed full professor of Old Testament.


His research interest is Old Testament ethics (including narrative ethics) and the book of Deuteronomy. Candidates considering a PhD in these fields are welcome to contact him via For the requirements of our graduate program, see this page.


List of publications


  • Secretary of the Old Testament Working Society in the Netherlands and Belgium (OTW)
  • Editor-in-chief of De Wekker (magazine of the Christian Reformed churches)
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of Scholengroep Driestar-Wartburg
  • Chairman of the Apeldoorn department of Ex Oriente Lux
  • Member of the Old Testament Society in the Netherlands and Belgium (OTW), the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), the European Association of Biblical Scholars (EABS) and Tyndale Fellowship, and senior researcher/member of NOSTER (Dutch Research School for Theology and Religion).